Here’s 3 Things Which Would Make Me Fire You as a Client


Let’s be honest.

You’re thinking: “he’s a cheeky bugger”, “who does he think he is?”

And, perhaps, worse.

Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time.

But stick with me because the 3 things might surprise you.

And may even help you get more out of your professional advisor and better bang for your buck.

Let’s get started.

Problem numero uno:

  1. You Don’t Listen

I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t know everything.

But to provide sound professional advice based on logic, professional training, careful analysis, and many years of experience in the crucible of business, and dare I say life, and to have the advice consistently ignored makes life seem too short.

Eventually our relationship must end, and the sooner the better-for both of us.

A closely related problem- the client who listens to everyone-the guy in the pub, the car wash attendant, the lady in the coffee shop, that nice girl in Tesco-and comes back to me and makes it perfectly clear that they are prepared to go a bit of the road with everyone.

If this what you want to do that is a matter for yourself. But I’m not the man for you.


The second type of problem that drives me nuts is:

2. You Want to Debate With the Other Party and Show Them a Thing or Two

This person personifies the difference between an amateur and professional.

The professional will generally only write a letter or take a step of action if it is likely to advance the position-even marginally-or because it is necessary to make a position clear.

An amateur on the other hand is happy to attempt to score points, debate, show how clever he is, get a dig in to the other party without much or any focus on the main prize: a successful outcome or resolution to the problem.

Debating is fun. But engaging solicitors to pursue an argument or debate is not the smartest use of your money and my time.

3. You Don’t Respect My Time

As a solicitor I sell chunks of my time and expertise. And there is only a limited and finite amount of time in each day.

So it can be a real problem if you just walk into my office unannounced or repeatedly ring me up on the phone to shoot the breeze about the same problem which we discussed yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

Trust me: I will find out very quickly what your problem is. And I will let you know whether I can help you or not.

But if I can? Let me get on with it-it will almost certainly be best for both of us.

A related problem, one which occurs before you become a client, is one I face on a daily basis. It has its roots in the fact that I provide a lot of useful, free information in a number or areas:

I get a large number of emails entitled “advice please”, and the emailer will set out their problem, send a huge amount of related documentation such as correspondence/contract of employment, and look for free advice.

Many people assume that I provide a free advice service and am a cross between Citizens’ Information and NERA.

In order to advise properly I need to ascertain all the facts, read the supporting documentation related to your issue, almost certainly raise further queries with you to elicit further information, perhaps carry out some research, formulate a considered, professional response, type it out and send it to you.

This takes time, as I am sure you will recognise, and if I get it wrong? You can sue me which will impact on my professional indemnity insurance.

So, I charge for my advice/professional opinion.

I think this is fair and reasonable.


To get the most out of your professional advisor, no matter what sphere of activity, do yourself a favour and listen to them, and give serious consideration to their advice. This will ensure that you get good value for your investment.



